Project Timeline

TheLearning Technology Environment Renewalproject took place over three phases: 1) the needs assessment phase (July–December 2016), 2) the evaluation phase (January–March 2017), and 3) the implementation phase (July 2017–December 2018).

Summary of the Three Project Phases

During theneeds assessment phase, faculty and student teams consulted with their peers to determine the pedagogical and functional requirements for supporting teaching and learning. These results informed the RFQ (Request For Qualifications) that was sent out in November 2016 and resulted in the selection of two vendors to participate in phase 2, theevaluation phase.

The evaluation phase included full-term pilot courses, sandbox courses and exploratory workshops, usability testing, and presentations from vendors at both the Okanagan and Vancouver campuses. Data obtained from the evaluation activities was used to help the evaluation committee determine that both vendors could respond with an RFP (Request for Proposal). In June 2017,UBC formally announced the selection of Canvas.

The final phase of the LTE Renewal projecttheimplementationphaseentailed the transition to Canvas. UBC faculties moved courses from Connect to Canvas between September 2017 and September 2018, based on specialized plans and timelines developed by each faculty. To learn more about Canvas and the implementation of this new system, please visitUBC’s Canvas website.