The Innovation Committee identifies opportunities for new learning technologies based on pedagogical research and consultations with peer institutions and colleagues at UBC and elsewhere. The committee recommends pedagogical priorities for UBC and technologies to pilot.
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- 娜塔莎博世- 学习设计,专业开发和社区参与,教育学院主任
- Loch Brown- 教学副教授,地理学系,艺术学院
- Gregory duManoir- 高级教练,健康和行使学院,健康与社会发展学院(Okanagan)
- Jon Festinger (Co-Chair)- 居住地,新兴媒体实验室和兼职教授,彼得A. Allard法学院
- tba– AMS representative
- Claudia Krebs– Professor of Teaching, Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
- Jason Lieblang- 艺术学院,中央,东部和北方北方和北方欧洲研究部副教授
- Marianne Schroeder (Co-Chair)– Senior Associate Director, Teaching and Learning Technologies, The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
- Tiffany Timbers- 科学学院统计系讲师
Non-voting Attendee
- 凯瑟琳阿尔达纳– Project Manager, The Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
UBC创新委员会决定了大学在学习生态系统的技术方面的教学优先事项。创新委员会向LT HUB领导机构报告,并从用户和运营委员会收到意见。
- Agree on the pedagogical priorities that drive learning technology selection and prioritization.
- Tracking of LT developments and research information on learning effectiveness through technology (internal and external) to determine applicability in the context of UBC’s teaching and learning priorities.
- Identification and evaluation of LT innovation opportunities.
- Serves as a channel for faculty and student communications and feedback.
- Set the criteria for selection of new learning technology components in the ecosystem.
- Recommends to the LT Hub Leadership group technologies to pilot, resource allocation, and strategy to pilot technologies to mainstream.
- Determines pedagogical priorities for the selection of learning technologies.
- 范围includes emerging (pilot) and potential (innovation) LT tools and applications.
Agenda Items
2019 Agenda Items
- 高等教育学习技术环境扫描 - 介绍与讨论
- Review of input mapping Pedagogical Priorities, Transformative Learning Strategies from Strategic Plan and learning technology tools
- 审查草案草案的时间表,准备和下一个步骤
- Discuss feedback and revisions to draft paper
- Goals and Strategies for the upcoming year
- Updates on draft paper – Recommendations for LT Investments
12月ember 2019:
- Discuss further revisions to draft paper and next steps
Past Agendas
- Planning for Innovation Summit
February 2018:
- Planning for Innovation Summit
March 2018:
- Planning for Innovation Summit
April 2018:
- Planning for Innovation Summit
September 2018:
- Plan for 2018-19
- Discussion around pre-reads, including 2018 NMC Horizon Report and Strategic Plan-identifying common themes and priorities
10月ober 2018:
- UBC Strategic Plan priorities
- Mapping research topics to Transformative Learning Strategies outlined in Strategic Plan
November 2018:
- 映射教学优先事项,战略计划和技术主题的变革学习策略
2017 Agenda Items
- LTE续订项目更新
- 惠尔布洛克教学与学习策略探讨,副扶持,学术创新
- Emerging Media Lab presentation and governance discussion
- Mapping Pedagogical Priorities with the Teaching and Learning Strategy
March 2017:
- 推出学习分析和三维学习的创新建议呼吁的介绍
- Mapping Pedagogical Priorities
April 2017:
- Discuss relationship with Emerging Media Lab
- Recommendations for moving forward with innovation proposals for Learning Analytics and 3-D Learning
- 技术优先事项和投资建议
June 2017:
- 半天撤退,讨论小组教学和技术优先事项,并提出投资建议
September 2017:
- Update on Learning Analytics and 3-D Learning engagement projects
- LT Showcase
- Proposed Learning Innovation Summit
- Emerging Technology Priorities
- LT Showcase: Teaching with Technology call for proposals
- Planning for Learning Innovation Summit
November 2017:
- Planning for Innovation Summit
- Next steps for Term 2
1月uary 2016:
- 自适应比较判断(ACJ)工具介绍
- Review and discussion of teaching innovations inventory and framework
- Discuss procedure for accepting pilot proposals or proposals about technology for consideration by the Committee
- 演讲和讨论what UBC should concentrate on for the future of pedagogy/education
March 2016:
- Presentation and discussion of rough cut of student video - how do you learn?
- LT用户委员会主席LT用户委员会摘要报告和功能地图的展示和讨论
- Discussion of pedagogical priorities and next steps for all day April retreat
- All Day Retreat to workshop pedagogical priorities, including criteria, enablers and barriers
May 2016:
- Presentation of Committee's draft summary, "Defining UBC's pedagogical priorities, finding enablers and suggesting technological solutions", and discussion with Eric Eich, Vice-Provost and AVP Academic Affairs, and Chair of the LT Leadership Team
September 2016:
- Joint meeting with LT User Committee for update on LTE Renewal Project
- Review and discuss Terms of Reference
- Follow-up discussion from September joint LT Committee meeting
- 讨论对教学优先事项文件的修订
November 2016:
- 讨论LTE续订项目的使用情况草案
- Discuss and finalize Pedagogical Priorities document